This book, with its new nature which is in our hands, compiled the seven books that preceded its publication, including additions, refinements, and pictures of new personalities, which the author left and published for the first time ... Thus this book contained sixty-five pictures from the lives of the companions of the Holy Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and referring to the slave The author in the book notices the reader the author’s keenness to choose expressive glimpses, brief phrases, and brief presentation, and often use story-telling style, combining historical truth and literary rhetoric, so it was a bright statement, a solid phrase, envisaging eloquent expressions.And he explains in the margin what can be difficult for boys and girls, and he is concerned with controlling them and puts stopping signs accurately, and he distributes his speech in serial paragraphs, and confirms in the conclusion of each chapter a list of references for whom he wants to obtain from the news of the companion, and from the certain facts that a person at the beginning of a young age looks forward To a model that he takes as an example to emulate, and in this series are great realistic human models, in which the sublime values stemming from our faith, and in them also wonderful guidance and useful lessons in story and literature, and even in sound reading and sound writing as well, which is even written for boys and girls of middle and high school. It is enjoyable to read in general at any cultural level